I don't know where to begin thanking everyone who has been so helpful. Just saying "thank you" doesn't seem like enough.
Courtney was with me through the surgery and getting me home and settled. When she came to the hospital to pick me up to go home, she had the back seat full of pillows. Some of my friends told me to put pillows around me on the ride home because of the bumps in the road. I felt like the Michelin Man with pillows behind and around me! We left the hospital around 5:30 p.m. and drove in the slow lane all the way home. Cars were flying around us because we were going so slow!
Courtney had to go back to Chicago the week after surgery so my sister-in-law Sharon came from Denver for a week. Sharon and I have been friends for 20+ years and have the same sense of humor so she kept my spirits up when I was feeling down. She was also my chauffeur to the doctor and kept track of my medication regimen.
Sharon left on Easter Sunday but another sister-in-law, Marsha, came from Virginia for a couple of weeks. She and Sharon had an overlap in their schedules so Marsha could get up to speed on the care and feeding of Brenda! Marsha's been great at helping me to get around and chauffeuring me. Shadow appreciates that she only has to look at Marsha with her cute brown eyes and she gets a treat. Shadow has only been willing to take short walks with Sharon and Marsha. She doesn't want to be away from me for too long!
My friend Jessie from work was in charge of the "sista' swap". She went to the airport Saturday evening to pick up Marsha then picked up Sharon Sunday afternoon and took her to the airport. Jessie also brought me an Easter lily. I love the way they smell so it helped to make me feel like it was Easter. What a big help Jessie has been.
It seems that my friend Sarah has organized the people I work and set up a schedule so they can bring me dinner every night. What an awesome and helpful thing that has been! It's a surprise because we never know what we're having for dinner and it's always delicious! Once again I have to say that I work with some wonderful people at a great company!
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